Tag - red cedar wine rack

Red cedar full racking for wine cellar

Red cedar is a popular material to make a wine rack in Australia. In the early of 2019, Australian architect Karl contact us about custom red cedar wine rack for his client. Most of the Australian wine rack made by Ciematic is simple and without carving. The popular types of wood wine rack are individual racks, display racks, and box [...]


Why choose red cedar to make wine racks?

What is red cedar? Red cedar, or called western red cedar is distributed on the northwest coast of the Pacific Ocean. The main producing areas are Washington, Oregon, Idaho, etc. It is often used as a building material for house construction, flooring, furniture, boxes & cases, shipbuilding, etc.Red cedar wood wine rack CR059 Choosing red cedar to make wine racks has many [...]

keywords:Custom Wine Cellar Wine Cellar Design